LabelGo 2.0
LabelGo is a barcode and data label design and printing software product.
LabelGo allows you to design,
- labels, including CD and DVD labels
- envelopes,
- pages (anything that fits in one page or less)
It has predefined label templates to make your label layout work as easy as choosing a number; you can also design
your own label templates. It's also possible to add new label templates in bulk.
In a page, you can use,
- texts, and texts with special effects;
- lines, rectangles and ovals;
- images;
- bar codes, out of any of the 50 linear barcode types and variants supported, including:
2 of 5,
Code 11,
Code-128 (A, B, C and auto-switch),
Code 39,
Code 39 Extended,
Code 93,
Code 93 Extended,
EAN-128 or UCC-128 (A, B, C autoswitch),
EAN-14 (UCC-14, SCC-14, DUN-14),
Identcode (Deutsche Post/DHL),
Interleaved 2 of 5 (ITF),
ITF-14 (SCC-14, EAN-14, UCC-14),
Leitcode (Deutsche Post/DHL),
RM4SCC (Royal Mail 4-State Customer Code),
Telepen (Alphanumeric and Numeric),
You can apply rotation, color border or fill, pattern border or fill, to the drawings.
LabelGo has strong data formatting support, with the following formatters supported.
- number formatter
- text formatter
- date/time formatter
- boolean formatter
- currency formatter
The currency formatter makes, e.g. price tag printing, extremely easy.
LabelGo has powerful data binding support, which allows you to link your text and barcode objects in a page to:
- data fields in a database (through ODBC);
- built-in serial number generators;
- input variables, which will be prompted for values at print time;
- other text or barcode objects in the same page.
Click here to download LabelGo 2.0
Windows Installer file (460 kb) for a 28-day evaluation. The minimum system requirements are Windows 2000, Windows XP or higher.
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